Associate Lawyer
Nadezhda Makeeva
KA2 Light Architecture


Moscow, Petrovka 27
Business-center «Vensky Dom», Entrance 1
Postal code: 107031
On this page you will find our contacts, office location, and detailed directions to the office.
Our Address
107031, Moscow, Petrovka 27
Business-center «Vensky Dom», Entrance 1
How to Find Us
We have created quick links for navigation systems and a description of how to find our office. Learn more.
+7 499 957-81-57
Moscow, Petrovka 27
Business-center «Vensky Dom», Entrance 1
Postal code: 107031
How to Find Us
Please use the quick links for navigation systems and follow the directions to reach our office.
From the side of Strastnoy Boulevard, walk through the arch into the premises.
After the arch, proceed to Entrance 1.
At the security desk, say that you are going to the office of KA2 Light Architecture.
Take the stairs to the 2nd floor and find the plate with the company's name.
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